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Home Cleaning Supplies

HOUSE Cleaning Facts

These cleaning facts are sure to be some of your very favorite for getting your surroundings sparkling clean no time. We're sure you'll find these quick tricks a part of your regular cleaning for years to come.

Home Decorating

HOME Decorating Facts

This is a great resource for the new homeowner who is looking for creative ways to decorate the interior of their home. From simple techniques to lavish decoration ideas, these decorating facts will be a go-to place for you to become instantly inspired.

Home Design Blueprints

HOME Design Facts

Whether you're looking to make minor design changes to a floor plan, or you're looking for the proper way to remodel a portion of your home. These design facts offers endless opportunities to reinvent a room or enhance one being built from the house plan you've chosen.

Energy Efficiency

Efficiency Facts

Some of these efficiency facts are surprising; if not alarming at how quickly the earth's resources are being used. And, many are also inspiring because it explains ways to cancel the negative impact we've had on the earth and move in a different and more positive direction. Take a look at these facts on efficiency and become inspired to live a greener life.

Historical Style Country Home

Historical Facts

Ever wondered how a certain architectural style came into existence? These historical facts touch on how many styles and features can to be throughout the years. Not only interesting to an architecture or history buff, these facts will help you determine your own style preferences.

Home Improvement Drill

Home Improvement Facts

If you're home isn't brand new, then you know that at some point in time, things need to be improved upon to keep your residence looking its best. These helpful home improvement facts offer just that information and are sure to become a helpful tool for keeping your home looking its best through the years.

Home Maintenance Tools

Home Maintenance Facts

Indoors, outdoors, summer and winter, a homeowner's job is never done! There is always a list of important tasks to complete so that your home looks and feels like something you should be proud of. Keeping up with simple maintenance on every aspect of your home is ongoing, but very rewarding when you see how beautiful your home appears in its surroundings.

Home Organization

HOME Organizing Facts

Maintaining an organized home is no easy task, but with the help of these simple tips you can keep everything in its place without making it a huge chore. Use these ideas to maintain a clutter-free home and keep your stress level at a minimum.

Home Painting

Painting Facts

Countless professionals know that there are always shortcuts to make any home improvement project easier and hassle-free. Here are several great painting tips that offer ways for everything from cleaning paintbrushes to buying paint. You're sure to find ways to save money and time with these special tricks.

Home Safety

Safety Facts

Whether you have children or a pet or neither, a home can be a dangerous place if not properly maintained each year. From appliances to fabrics, read through the ways listed here that can provide you, as the homeowner, with a safer environment you and your whole family will appreciate.