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Fast Fixes That Make a Difference

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Kimberly Blackford  by Kimberly Blackford

It is a familiar comment among homeowners: I really should take care of that someday. You may have heard yourself say something similar.

lighting hardware

Typically they are referring to repainting, de-cluttering, patches or repairs – all those things that should be done but just are not at the top of the priority list. However, it may be time to push those small to-dos to the top of the list. Often the smallest home investments offer the biggest returns.

  • Hardware – Mailboxes, doorbells, and faucets are just a few examples of the little touches that can make big statements. Taking the time to refresh these items can add a whole new element of appeal to a home.
  • Trim – From the doors and windows to the baseboards, trim often catches the eye. Make sure it is a pleasant experience by washing trims and refreshing with paint as necessary. Do not forget to give baseboards attention!

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  • Floors – One of the most abused features of a home, the floors are also what garner a great amount of attention. Flooring can be expensive to replace, but can really drag down home value if less than appealing. When it comes to floors, use the rule of refresh, repair, or replace. If you keep up with thorough deep cleaning, it is unlikely you will have much need to repair or replace flooring anytime soon. However, if some damage has occurred, taking care of it now will keep you from losing money in the long run.

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  • Kitchens and Baths – These rooms are the most valuable rooms in a home when it comes to real estate. If nothing else can be done throughout your home, regular attention to keeping the kitchen and bath fresh, clean and highly functional will turn out to be rewarding. Pay attention to clean windows, updated faucets and cabinetry.

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  • Landscaping – Beautiful gardens are admirable, however ornate landscaping is not a requirement for a lovely home. Simple upkeep and tidy yards create positive impressions of what may lie inside and can greatly impact the home’s value.

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Individually these tasks may not appear to do much. However, raising your home's value is about making the right small investments that will reap a greater return. By taking the time to accomplish what fits your budget and time constraints, these updates can make a big impact.

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