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Jennifer Jones  by Jennifer Jones

There is a grand variety of gardening tools available today, all claiming to be the next best thing in making gardening easier on the gardener. Yet when it comes down to it, having the basic tools on hand can equip the gardener to deal with most any situation.

Beautiful blooming orange flower

gardening gloves

  • Gloves – Whether handling thorny plants, pulling weeds, or digging holes, a good pair of work gloves will keep hands from a variety of damage.

  • Kneelers- Much of gardening grunt work takes place low to the ground and can wreak havoc on knees. Kneelers come in numerous materials, from thick foams to basic outdoor cushions, but all serve the same purpose – saving your knees from discomfort, stress, and potential long-term damage.

  • Spade/trowel – These small hand tools allow gardeners to plant and weed with an extra degree of comfort and control.

  • Shovel/rake – The larger versions of the hand spade and trowel, shovels and rakes help save time and energy during large scale planting, weeding, and garden maintenance.
    garden rake

  • Cart – Whether a cart with drawers or a large open wagon, garden storage on wheels is ideal for keeping everything you may need right at hand.

  • Long hose – Even with a sprinkler system, a long garden hose is a must. Homes that have numerous plantings spread around the home will find the extra length to be a great advantage. For easy care, invest in a storage system that helps keep the hose rolled neatly.
    green garden hose
  • Shears – Plant type will determine the size of shears needed. Even plants that don’t need regular trimming may have moments where clipping will be necessary. Proper shears make this chore manageable and keep gardens tidy.

Every garden requires a certain amount of care and time investment. Regular maintenance can become overly frustrating to a gardener without the proper tools. Even the simplest garden needs basic care that can be made easier with the correct equipment at hand.

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